Get ready for Season 13 of our outdoor adventures!

There are 9 domestic trips and 2 international trips scheduled between Sept. 2023 and June 2024. Here is the full line-up:

New Features
There are a few special features to look forward to this season:
Teen Camping: As our children get older and develop new interests it's important that we will adapt our activities so that they remain relevant to them.
International Trips: This season we will again have 2 international trips on offer. The February 2024 trip will be a family ski trip. In April 2024, we will return to Africa and deliver our sixth impact project. Details to follow!
As with past trips, sustainability will be a key driver. No single use plastic, no Styrofoam. We will continue to adopt carpooling, recycle glass bottles and cut down on food wastage.
Additional events
If you have any suggestions about events we could organize please send your ideas by email to